Protective Shield Used By Hundreds Of Viruses Deciphered
Can this be the beginning of effective anti-viral treatment?
High-energy X-ray diffraction was used to pinpoint some 5 million atoms in the protective protein coat used by hundreds of viruses. (Credit: J. Pan & Y.J. Tao/Rice University)
What you are looking at in this image is the 'armor' used by many viruses to keep the body's immune system from successfully destroying the virus' DNA (which allows the virus to successfully multiply)
Now that it's identified, the next thing is to crack the code that makes the armor impenetrable by the human immune system.
Thanks to (and more info at):
Rice University (2009, February 17). Protective Shield Used By Hundreds Of Viruses
High-energy X-ray diffraction was used to pinpoint some 5 million atoms in the protective protein coat used by hundreds of viruses. (Credit: J. Pan & Y.J. Tao/Rice University)
What you are looking at in this image is the 'armor' used by many viruses to keep the body's immune system from successfully destroying the virus' DNA (which allows the virus to successfully multiply)
Now that it's identified, the next thing is to crack the code that makes the armor impenetrable by the human immune system.
Thanks to (and more info at):
Rice University (2009, February 17). Protective Shield Used By Hundreds Of Viruses