Stumble Upon...
is like Crack.
Yikes! You hit that "stumble" button, and away you go... before you know it, that fifteen minute email session is over. I sometimes feel like a lab rat in an experiment… how many times will you push the lever to get your reward?
That having been said, it is a great place to 'stumble upon' interesting websites. I have found more than a few hysterically funny pages... just when I needed a laugh.
If you wish, add me to your Friends… my handle is 'LaVeda'.
Yikes! You hit that "stumble" button, and away you go... before you know it, that fifteen minute email session is over. I sometimes feel like a lab rat in an experiment… how many times will you push the lever to get your reward?
That having been said, it is a great place to 'stumble upon' interesting websites. I have found more than a few hysterically funny pages... just when I needed a laugh.
If you wish, add me to your Friends… my handle is 'LaVeda'.