Hitting The Bullseye...

There's a great discussion going on in the comments (click on the image to go there) ... although, my take on it is this... snow angels are made with *snow* (or confetti colored to look like snow - maybe in red or white, the better to match the logo colors), and when you are making snow angels, your palms are perpendicular to the ground, the better to scoop the snow to make the wings properly - but wait, there's no snow [!!] An 'innocent' photo would have the bullseye part of the target on her belly button, not her crotch (which is a significant target in our society). If this figure had been male, it would have been taken as an emasculating 'shot', why eles would his genitals be the 'target' of the bullseye?
As long as you are unable to decode the significance of ordinary things, and as long as you take the signs of your culture at face value, you will continue to be mastered by them. But once you see behind the surface of a sign into its hidden cultural significance, you can free yourself from that sign and perhaps find a new way of looking at the world. You will control the signs of your culture rather than having them control you. – Jack Solomon
Yes, the headline is a pun on the image. But I know that you are smart enough to figure out what was supposed to (perhaps subconsciously) go through our minds when we saw the image. Great 'looking out', Target [/sarcasm]!!